Waste And Storage Tanks For Microreactor

jacketed containers:Waste tank & Storage tank

  • Temperature range: -30~200℃
  • Pressure tolerance: 0-2Mpa
  • Flow rate: None
  • Flexible volume: 500ml-10L
  • Summary: SUS316L reagent bottles, 0.5L~10L, valves and absorber storage tanks with on-off valves and absorbers

Waste containers and storage tanks for raw materials should have breathing valves and absorbers to prevent vapors from entering the atmosphere.  

SUS316L reagent bottles, valves and absorber storage tanks with on-off valves and absorbers。

Technical parameters of Storage tanks for raw materials and waste:

Capacity:0.5 L~10L                                                                                          

Temperature range: -30~200℃            

Pressure range:0-2Mpa                  

Material and flow path: 316L stainless steel    

Sealed joint:sleeve type pipe union,4MPA(Material:PFA),10MPA(Material:316L)

Waste containers and storage tanks